Lift (2024)

Lift is a trifecta of bullshit. It's as lame as you’d expect a movie that features “the world's first heist of an NFT” to be, as underhanded and morally deficient as you’d expect a modern-day heist movie to be, and as unamusing as you’d expect a movie starring Kevin Hart to be. Additionally, it parades around such... Continue Reading →

Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (2023)

Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves doesn’t have a lot going for it. It's too long and too computer-generated, and it has too much Chris Pine and not enough Hugh Grant (though, to be fair, Pine does have some funny lines; not laugh-out-loud funny, but at least chuckle-worthy). Arguably its worst offense, however, is that... Continue Reading →

Righteous Thieves (2023)

Here's yet another heist movie that unfolds as if it had been written by Rick Sanchez’s Heistotron. Righteous Thieves reminds me of The Score, a Frank Oz film wherein Bobby De Niro plays a criminal mastermind who has been gifted, not just with mere foresight, but downright clairvoyance; not only can he predict (or rather... Continue Reading →

Paydirt (2020)

The good news is that Paydirt director Christian Sesma wrote a part for Val Kilmer. The bad news is that the role that Sesma wrote for Kilmer is a speaking part. According to Screen Rant, “In Paydirt, Kilmer's voice is dubbed by actor Jesse Corti and his character wears a chic scarf to hide the... Continue Reading →

Money Plane (2020)

Money Plane stars Adam Copeland, Kelsey Grammer, Thomas Jane and Denise Richards. Grammer and Jane used to be Frasier and The Punisher. Copeland, on the other hand, remains, against all odds, The Rated R Superstar, The Ultimate Opportunist, The Master Manipulator, Edge — and while he’s none of those things in this movie, I’m going... Continue Reading →

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